Monday, July 18, 2016

HAIL MARY (Part 1)
Greetings Brethren and welcome to the Word for Today. This week, as implied in the title, our focus will be on Mary the mother of Jesus, the Blessed Virgin Mary (BVM).

The topic of the BVM is taboo among Protestant ministries even though they will not admit it. Most are not even conscious of the bias they have against her; but when you consider the amount of time that they spend preaching on ‘the obedience of Sarah’, ‘lessons from Ruth’, or ‘the faith of Hannah’ to the time spent talking about Mary you’ll see what I mean. Come to think of it, there are more messages about ‘Mary and Martha’ than about the BVM!

You’ll have to forgive the Protestants for this attitude though; centuries of inordinate veneration of the woman God used to bring Jesus to earth has driven us to the other extreme. We take the centrality of Jesus to our salvation very seriously, and hearing Mary being called things like “Mother of God”, “Ark of the New Covenant”, “the New Eve”, etc. only causes us to cringe.
So it seems essentially avoiding or minimizing the BVM is the way we cope with this theological trauma.

However, Mary is one of the best examples of biblical characters who can teach us not just obedience but also how to fulfil our God-given destinies. We have a lot to learn from her. But unfortunately, before we start, we must first address the ‘elephant in the room’ about Mary.

#1. Mary is not GOD’S MOTHER
Yes, the baby she mothered was God in the flesh, but logic can be a pitfall when we take it too far. When she DIED, her assignment stopped there. (See Jn 1:3,10; Col 1:16).

#2. Mary was not SINLESS
Rom 3:23 says “All have sinned” and Gal 3:22 (WNT) declares that “ALL MANKIND are the PRISONERS OF SIN...”. Even Mary herself called God her saviour (Lk 1:46); only sinners need a saviour.

#3. Mary was not BORN OF A VIRGIN
There’re 2 doctrines that are misconstrued by the average protestant, the 1st is “Immaculate Conception”.
Immaculate Conception is “the doctrine that the Virgin Mary's soul was free from the stain of original sin from the moment of her soul's conception. The term does not, contrary to popular belief, refer to the conception of Jesus Christ.” (Encarta®).
We know of course, from #2 above that this is not possible.

Sex within marriage is not a sin. Mary’s virginity was connected to the birth of Jesus alone. After that, she was free to live her normal life with her husband. The Bible explicitly clarifies this: “but did not have marital relations with her UNTIL she gave birth to a son, whom he named Jesus. (Mat 1:25 NET).
We may wrest scriptures around and claim that all Jesus’ declared siblings were only cousins, but at the heart of those arguments is the idea that sex in itself is sin.

#5. Mary’s Body is NOT IN HEAVEN
The 2nd misconstrued doctrine by Protestants is “ASSUMPTION”. Many think it refers to the bodily ascension of Jesus into heaven as written in Acts 1:9, etc. Actually, it is a doctrine that states that that after her death, the body of the BVM was taken into heaven and reunited with her soul!

This one is for us Protestants.
I have heard it severally that some persons went to heaven and saw the BVM crying to God and distancing herself from the virtual idolatry that has been created around her persona by the Church.
Well, it’s rather odd to assume that Mary has any idea of what people have made of her. She’s in heaven enjoying eternal bliss with her LORD. It really won’t be heaven if one gets daily updates of the sad goings-on here on earth don’t you think.

I think 6 is enough.
Tomorrow we’ll begin our lessons from the foot of Mary (cringe, Protestants, cringe). But for now, one lesson we have learnt from the above is that deviating from what is written in the Bible to Traditions of Men will only lead to more and more heresy, blasphemy and error.

“A man, having separated himself, seeks his own desire, and rages against all sound wisdom”. – Pro 18:1

More Blessings Await you today, you’ll not miss them in Jesus Name.


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