Then God commanded, “Let lights appear in the sky to separate day
from night and to show the time when days, years, and religious festivals
begin; they will shine in the sky to give light to the earth” – and it was
done. So God made the two larger lights, the sun to rule over the day
and the moon to rule over the night... Evening passed and morning came –
that was the fourth day.
– Gen 1:14-19 (GNB)
The creation of the Sun and the Moon took place on the fourth day
out of God’s 6-day creation timetable. This is of significance to us because one
of the primary functions God gave the Sun and Moon is to separate day from
night. So if the Sun came on Day 4, what parameter determined the duration
of the first 3 days?
We can see here, even at the onset of creation, that it is God Himself
that controls the times and seasons and not really the celestial elements.
Beloved, do not look at the parameters of this physical universe: the
climate, the economy, the policies, the doctor’s prognosis, etc. to determine the
outcome of your state. Look to Elohim, the Creator of all and hear His own version
of things.
He spoke through the prophet Elisha to the 3 kings of Israel, Judah and
Edom, this dry riverbed will be filled with water. You won't feel any
wind or see any rain, but there will be plenty of water for you and your
animals. That simple thing isn't all the LORD is going to do. He will
also help you defeat Moab's army. (2Ki 3:16-19 CEV).
Did you get that? He called filling a valley with water without natural
causes a “simple thing”. May your life from henceforth be determined by God’s
opinion and not man’s in Jesus name.
Idolaters make the Sun their god, we make God our Sun. If God says “it’s
day”, it doesn’t matter if the Sun is up or not, it will be day for us – after
all, the Sun wasn’t even around when “the evening and the morning were the
first day.” (Gen 1:5).
More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus Name.
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