Thursday, September 22, 2016


*Humans swallow an average of 8 spiders each year while they sleep.
*Eight glasses of water a day are needed to maintain health.
*If you slowly heat a toad in a pan of cold water, it'll  stay there till it Boils to death.
*The average person uses only 10% of their brains.
*Lightening never strikes the same spot twice.
*Computers running Mac OS X (Apple) are immune to viruses.

The above are just a few out of myriad of ‘FACTS’ that people accept and quote often, yet which are simply untrue.

For example, the odds of swallowing a spider while sleeping is practically zero; lightning is regularly known to strike the same spot over and over again; and viruses written for Mac OS X computers will infect Mac OS X computers.

It’s not that complicated.

When it comes to false claims posing as “facts”, no field of knowledge is exempt. Whether it’s history, biology, medicine, astronomy, psychology, etc. there’re always misconceptions that people pander about, but which have no basis in reality.

Unfortunately, one field where this is most prevalent (and most consequential) is in biblical doctrine.

In today’s Internet Age, anybody with a laptop and a modem can claim to be a “Theologian” or a “Bible Scholar”. Some of the most damning and heretic statements I’ve heard in my entire life came from such “theologians”, and some of them even hold a doctorate in Theology.

They are the types whom Paul talks about when he said, “They want to be teachers of God's law, but they do not understand their own words or the matters about which they speak with so much confidence.” (1Ti 1:7 GNB)

Someone once pointed out that Wikipedia has trained us to believe anything followed by “little blue numbers in brackets”. In the same vein, the church culture has trained us to accept any doctrinal claim followed by a string of verses.

Brethren, it's our responsibility to ascertain the veracity of every biblical claim that people make. We must return to the discipline of the Berean Christians in Acts 17:11. They didn’t just listen to Paul and Silas, “they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus Name.


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