Tuesday, September 27, 2016


It’s unfortunate that human beings tend to amplify evil things over good. We take curses seriously but treat blessings as mere ‘wishes’.
Blessings and curses may look like just two sides of the same coin but they weigh differently spiritually.

The Bible places more premium on blessings than on curses. When Moses listed out the blessings and curses of the law in Deut. 28, he listed 54 verses of curses for just 14 for blessings!

Not only are your blessings more in quality, they are also more in quantity.

When God blessed our father Abram, he said “I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you” (Gen 12:3). That means Abram was to expect more people blessing him than cursing him.

In a typical church service, a believer may be told “God bless you” (or any of its variations) not less than a dozen times; yet if on their way back home an angry woman shouts “it will not be well with you”, they’ll become agitated and disturbed in their spirit.


Whatever happened to the 12 blessings? Or is the woman’s wicked curse more than your pastor’s blessing? Even if you think it is, he blessed you 12 times, she cursed you once (I’m intentionally being ridiculous with the analysis for you to see the point).

The world of an average Christian is covered with blessings. The Bible you read is full of blessings. The devotionals you read will mention and bless you one way or the other. When you go to church, speaker after speaker will speak blessings to you. So why allow one person’s curse to haunt you and spoil your day?

If that Christian now follows a devotional like The Word For Today, you have an additional blessing every weekday because it always ends with a blessing J. Beloved, the number of your blessings is so overwhelming, the devil has to work full time just to catch up.

Indeed, You will live, and not die; the LORD will hear your voice in the day of trouble; and be a help to you from your enemies.

The LORD Bless everything you have and everything you do.

May the LORD bless your land with rain and your ground with rich harvest. May you find cause to rejoice all the days of your life.

May you be satisfied with favour, and full with the blessing of the LORD.
(... the blessings continue in Deuteronomy 33)  

More Blessings (see what I mean?) await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.


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