Thursday, November 22, 2018


There was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there. – Jn 2:1

What gave Mary, the Lord’s mother, the impression that she could ask Him for a miracle when the wine ran out at Cana? She had raised him from birth to adulthood, and He had not done any miracle all that time, not even a tiny weeny one. Do you realise what that knowledge does to your faith level? It lowers whatever expectation you may have had about the Messiah.

His newfound acquaintances like Peter and John may be deluding themselves that the “Messiah” must possess some miraculous graces somehow; but when you have the benefit of having lived with Him all His life and not seen even one manifestation of the supernatural, you get to think differently. 

Not only had Jesus never done any miracle before then to warrant Mary’s belief, there had been no such miracle as creating wine ever in Israel’s history as a precedent for her to hinge her faith upon. However, Mary was an expert in unprecedented miracles. Recall that no woman in the entire human history before her had ever conceived without a man, but when the Angel Gabriel announced to her circa 30 years earlier that that was going to happen to her, she believed!

Beloved, given the rich history we have both from scriptures and two millennia of documented church history, it’s going to be pretty difficult for you to have a need today that God has not already done. But even if your situation today is so unique, so never-before-heard-of, so unprecedented, you can still have faith for it. You can have the faith of Mary – the ability to believe God in areas where others may still be dillydallying and doubting about; to know fully and comprehensively that “with God nothing shall be impossible” (Luk 1:37).

Get your faiths up. The impossible, and unprecedented, is still possible.

More Blessings await you today; you’ll not miss them in Jesus’ Name.

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